About Me

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I work at a bank!Definitely loving that! I love to hangout with my friends! (Love u girls! U know who u are!) I have an amazing boyfriend. Been together since 2/18/10. I love him. =)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hello everyone just wanted to let ya'll know I am alive....hehe....enjoying my new baby sister aww shes adorable!! I cant wait to take her shopping and dress her all cute! And go shopping with my other sisters (u girls know who u are) I have alot of sisters...okay not alot only like 2 more, ummmm anything else??? oh yes! I got a new job @ Wells Fargo! =) hehe. Starting training a week ago and alot to memorize! =/

OH yes! Sammy, myself , Renae, and Amber went to Fuddruckers and had some good burgers well Renae had this nasty ELK burger!! ok I took a bite and it wasnt that bad.. lol but still kind of weird. It was okay I guess. hehe.

Oh and to add a cherry to this story! We embarrassed Renae at Fuddruckers!!! lol
She knew we were about to tell the personnel to sing her, her FAVORITE song in front of the whole world and their mother! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
You shouldve seen her face when she heard clapping and singing....priceless. hehe

And to a sidenote we had revival @ 7/11 lol. Ok so it all started this Sunday morning when our Pastor preached on soul winning. So after fuddruckers I wanted an energy drink so we stopped there. Renae had this wonderful idea to invite this gentlemen to our church . So Sammy did the honors and did so. So I came up with another idea that all of us had to invite someone in 7/11 =)
And so all four of us did! =) AND WE ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER......LOL

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Arianna Samantha Huanosto

Hi everyone! I know, I know..I havent blogged in forever! No need to remind me LOL I've just been super busy lately! I thought you would like an update on my moms pregnancy =) well we are in month 8 out of 9! almost there! We've gone to 2 ulra sounds and so far its still a girl! =) We picked out a name as you can see. My mom decided on Arianna because its cute and Samantha because it was suppose to be my middle name lol. I truly cannot WAIT! Im so ansy inside... When I get a chance I go and sing to Arianna and she moves most of the time. I think she moves because she wants me to shut-up lol. Anywho heres a "mini" update.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

drum roll please!!!

So big day today!
I know this is going to be surprising to some of you...but! I, liz, got up at 630am! The excitement got to me and was my alarm this morning. Haha. The appointment was at 815 am so had to get ready for the big day! =) I woke up my mom and of course she was sleeping (haha)(I got in trouble for waking her up but I really didn't care at the time lol)
So we finally arrived at the doctors and checked in, waited for 5 min. Got called in and got settled. It was early and we were all tired but were trying our very best to stay up! Lol Doctor came and introduced herself and gets down to business. She's very quiet which scares me for some reason...she checks the heart beat like 5 million times (ok not really more like 10) and I want to yell " CAN YOU PLEASE JUST GET TO THE IMPORTANT PART!?" I wanted to know what we were having! I was very impatient. Haha so we were talking and doctor was very friendly and apparently she can't multi-task. As in she couldn't talk and do the ultra-sound at the same time...lol
She showed us every body part of the baby. And when I didn't expect it.....
She told us " you guys need to teach this baby how to be a lady!" lol apparently "baby girl" wasn't very shy of letting us know she was a girl...it was very clear...my mom was shocked of course! Lol but like I stated in my last post...there's a 50/50 chance! And my 50 won! Lol I was sooo happy! I about malfunctioned my phone from all the texting I did lol!
Anywho that's the great news now we need a stamp of approval from my moms doctor! =)
~liz and jordan~

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

big day tomorrow!!!

So im sooo excited for tomorrow! We are going to the doctors to FINALLY get an ultra-sound! =) I really can't wait! You have no idea how much I want to know what we are going to have! =) I've been told by many that as soon as I find out that I NEED or I MUST text/call them! And trust me honey! I WILL!! My mom truly believes its a boy....but! We will see...there's still a 50/50 chance it might be a girl! *fingers crossed!!*
So there! A little update! And oh! Sarah if you read this can you please tell me if you want my moms echildada or mole recipe??? Lol
Alright folks! That's all for now! I had to share a little of my excitement! Lol
talk to ya'll soon!!
~liz and jordan~

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Well well...haven't "blogged" in forever...I remember when I was hooked on this thing n had 2 blog everyday haha...anywho a whole lot going on...to start off work is great! Got promoted 2 front end supervisor! N got a raise! So im thankful for that!

Lets see...my mom is currently 19 weeks n we still don't know what the gender of the baby is! Grr kinda wish I did! Cuz I need 2 shop shop shop! Lol that baby is goin 2 be spoiled soo much from their older sissy! Lol we went to the doctors on july 28th and we heard the heartbeat of the baby...I almost began to cry =) I can't believe that ,that little heartbeat in my mothers womb is my baby brother or sister...I want a baby girl but of course majorirty rules n they all want a baby boy...due date is on December 20th 2010! Half way there! Yay!
Dads thinking of moving to cali! I told him bye n he can come visit on the holidays...hehe im a brat...hey! @ least I admit it! Lol lets see....
There's other stuff but not worth mentioning...just causes heartache...but other than that im thankful for my family n of course the love of my life....I would say friends but none I can say I really do have...cuz the ones I thought I did....did nothing but hurt me n stab me in the back...
I miss brittany n sarah...even tho we had our up's n down's we still managed 2 figure things out...n of course we were all around the same age group sooooo yeah....closest one 2 my age is 15...which is a 5 year difference...anywho im breathing n that's all that matters...
Have a good day! Ill keep u posted on my moms pregnancy!!!! =D

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Hey! omw i havent written anything in forever!!! lol
I'm at Sonias house right now, I guess we are having an Xbox party haha
Just got done eating some sopes my momma made! yum! lol
Nothing new here same ol same ol hehe
well thats it for now just wanted to let ya'll know im still alive!! lol
and sonia just asked me if I updated my blog and i said yes and shes all like "MIRACLES OF MIRACLES!! " lol pretty funnnyyy!!
OH! my birthday was a couple days ago and I spent it with my family and the love of my life =)
I went to Madera, Ca. for my birthday and spent it with my conference friends! had soooo much fun! anywho thats all for now...or maybe never! lol
~liz <3

Monday, December 14, 2009


Hey everyone!
Man! i havent posted in like forever! lol
Nothing new here... Lifes been good and i have nothing to complain about!
West Coast Conference was a month ago and it was such a blessing! Came
back refreshed and ready to live for God with all my heart! <3
Looking back to 2009 I really know I have grown stronger in my spirtual walk.
I know how to deal with things better. When trials come I know that I cant complain
and not just give in! I need to be a woman about it and lean on God and most importanly
PRAY about it! ( this is for free: GOD ANSWERS KNEE MAIL!)
Ive learned that I have a Pastor that cares about me! And when he gives me those
"spiritual spanking" i shouldnt take it as a blow! But take it as a lesson learned! ultimately he wants to see me saved! and not lost! I appreciate you Pastor!
Ive learned that EVERY second of a church service counts! Thats been my motto ever since WCC.

Ive learned that friends come and go...and your true friends stay with you till the END!
Thru it all my only true friend has been God...
When I thought I had no one, God was always right behind me.
When I thought I was all alone and no one cared, God was always there...
When I thought I had nothing left for me, God always showed me His love!
I am sooo thankful I know this TRUTH! I know I always say this but....

Ive learned that I shouldtn stress the small stuff!
Life isnt always fair! lol I learned this the hard way... hehe

But most importantly I've learned to learn from my mistakes and quit whining about them! The past is the past...its the present that counts!

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