About Me

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I work at a bank!Definitely loving that! I love to hangout with my friends! (Love u girls! U know who u are!) I have an amazing boyfriend. Been together since 2/18/10. I love him. =)

Monday, December 14, 2009


Hey everyone!
Man! i havent posted in like forever! lol
Nothing new here... Lifes been good and i have nothing to complain about!
West Coast Conference was a month ago and it was such a blessing! Came
back refreshed and ready to live for God with all my heart! <3
Looking back to 2009 I really know I have grown stronger in my spirtual walk.
I know how to deal with things better. When trials come I know that I cant complain
and not just give in! I need to be a woman about it and lean on God and most importanly
PRAY about it! ( this is for free: GOD ANSWERS KNEE MAIL!)
Ive learned that I have a Pastor that cares about me! And when he gives me those
"spiritual spanking" i shouldnt take it as a blow! But take it as a lesson learned! ultimately he wants to see me saved! and not lost! I appreciate you Pastor!
Ive learned that EVERY second of a church service counts! Thats been my motto ever since WCC.

Ive learned that friends come and go...and your true friends stay with you till the END!
Thru it all my only true friend has been God...
When I thought I had no one, God was always right behind me.
When I thought I was all alone and no one cared, God was always there...
When I thought I had nothing left for me, God always showed me His love!
I am sooo thankful I know this TRUTH! I know I always say this but....

Ive learned that I shouldtn stress the small stuff!
Life isnt always fair! lol I learned this the hard way... hehe

But most importantly I've learned to learn from my mistakes and quit whining about them! The past is the past...its the present that counts!

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