About Me

My photo
I work at a bank!Definitely loving that! I love to hangout with my friends! (Love u girls! U know who u are!) I have an amazing boyfriend. Been together since 2/18/10. I love him. =)

Monday, December 14, 2009


Hey everyone!
Man! i havent posted in like forever! lol
Nothing new here... Lifes been good and i have nothing to complain about!
West Coast Conference was a month ago and it was such a blessing! Came
back refreshed and ready to live for God with all my heart! <3
Looking back to 2009 I really know I have grown stronger in my spirtual walk.
I know how to deal with things better. When trials come I know that I cant complain
and not just give in! I need to be a woman about it and lean on God and most importanly
PRAY about it! ( this is for free: GOD ANSWERS KNEE MAIL!)
Ive learned that I have a Pastor that cares about me! And when he gives me those
"spiritual spanking" i shouldnt take it as a blow! But take it as a lesson learned! ultimately he wants to see me saved! and not lost! I appreciate you Pastor!
Ive learned that EVERY second of a church service counts! Thats been my motto ever since WCC.

Ive learned that friends come and go...and your true friends stay with you till the END!
Thru it all my only true friend has been God...
When I thought I had no one, God was always right behind me.
When I thought I was all alone and no one cared, God was always there...
When I thought I had nothing left for me, God always showed me His love!
I am sooo thankful I know this TRUTH! I know I always say this but....

Ive learned that I shouldtn stress the small stuff!
Life isnt always fair! lol I learned this the hard way... hehe

But most importantly I've learned to learn from my mistakes and quit whining about them! The past is the past...its the present that counts!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hey everyone! Well havent posted in a long time and its officially time for an update! haha...soo here i go!

You know theres times when you think you have a friend thats soo amazing! I really wouldnt have thought this girl right here would be my baby sister! Renae I love you so stinking much! You have been there for me in my Up's and my down's! You are a real True friend, not only that but you are a great Godly influence! I love being around you! You make my heart smile! You are growing into a wonderful lady! i love how you always make me smile and make me laugh! You have this thing about you that when i say I'm okay, you know there's something wrong and tell me to tell you the truth! <3 I love you Renae! Words really can't describe how much I love you! Lets live for God side by side! Forever! I love my nae nae!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

So I want to make a post of every Senior youth chica! So Naomi you got picked to be next! lol
Anyways! This girl right here is my BEST FRIEND! Shes soooo awesome! Shes so sweet but funny @ the same time! She has this great personality that I absolutely LOVE! Shes been there for me through my Ups and my Downs! I love you to death naomi!!!!!
This girl has a VOICE! and shes really super duper talented! She knows how to play the guitar and piano and organ! Shes teaching me how to play the organ...This is a true friend right here! In the past i thought I had "true friends".. But I was wrong! I wouldnt trade our friendship for anything! I love you Naomi! and if you are reading this! Know that I lOVE you forever and ever!
~toodles !

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Okay so this Picture is of me and my lil shorty! lol jk! But really she is short! Lol
Amber if you are reading this I want you to know that I love you and you are growing into a beautiful young lady! Keep living for God and ALWAYS let your light shine! There's nothing more beautiful than this Truth! And remember buy the truth and sell it NOT!! Never forget that I love you tons amber!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finally! lol

Oh My WORD! lol I finally got the hang of this blog stuff....it took me forever to figure out what to do and how to get a background! lol Just thought I would share that... Have a good day!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Well hello there...lol

I guess since I have nothing else 2 do I will blog. Nothing new here same ol' same ol'. Except church! Church has been sooooooooo awesome! Pastor preached an awesome message sunday nite! He preached about getting a bride ready for the groom. It was soo good. You kind of just had to be there.

Senior youth has never been so on fire for God! I say it the way I see it....
You know, Pastor mentioned something that just really hit me! He said," Do you want more of God?" and the church said"yes!"....pastor said, " PROVE IT!"
And its true! I say I want more of God but I don't really do anything....I have to prove it! He also mentioned Sunday night...that we have to please the king. We have to please God. Because One of these days, he is coming back for a bride that has kept herself. A bride without spots or wrinkles and has truly pleased him. The coming of God has never been so close. Everything is lining up and what the bible says is fastly approaching!

I really can't wait till that day comes. When we are going to view that holy city. Where I'm gonna dance the streets of glory. Shout my troubles over.....one of these days.
But while I am waiting, there's people who are hungry for God. People who want something more out of life and think they have nothing. God can heal the sick, comfort the comfortless and be a father to the fatherless... Throughout the week one song keeps playing and playing over in my head... How Great Is Our God.
Truly words can't describe how Great he is! I get happy and excited just thinking about how great he is! He's a merciful and a just God. He's beautiful and precious. He's faithful and loving. For that I am thankful!

I have been so excited. For what you may ask? For what Gods going to do! And for what He has done! I get joy when I think about what He has done for me! Each of us have our own testimony. Some may not seem much of a big deal. But it does to that certain individual...
Gods been good!

Have a great week!

Monday, August 31, 2009

hey hey!

Well there's a lot 2 talk about but if you all know I blog on my phone! So its kinda hard to type everything...you get use to it but still..lol anywho... lifes good....been god actually...the fair was in town and I went twice! Super fun!!!! :D
Last night we went we stayed there till like 1130..just me and sammy...had a blast...

Sunday came and it was good. Heard good preaching. Had great fellowship....

Todays monday so I worked 11-5 and I L-O-V-E that shift...
After work went to grandmas and then went home.
Been home and just cleaning and relaxing...
That's about it...

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I think I will post since I am awake and not tired. Lol
Its saturday early morning(12 am) and I go in @ 11am. But I haven't posted since the last one....so here it goes.
My family came back from camping and I was just sooo happy!...lol the cats were good company but they just didn't cut it!....
So they came back had good church sunday nite!
Monday rolled along...tuesday and wednesday as well. Thursday eventually came...and Friday came! Awesome possum! Lol
Can't wait till church on sunday! I get to see all my kids! I miss them bunches! me and renae make a great pair for the older toddlers! We have such an awesome time! And I am excited for sunday to come for another reason we will not go in to this time...lol sonia you know I bet! Haha...
So talking about my cousin Sonia....
Her Photographer senses are tingling...so she's taking pictures of me sunday afternoon...lord jesus help her camera! Hope she has insurance!...lol jk!....no but seriously I hope she does!...lol so that's about it for an update! Hope everyone is doing okay....

OH! B4 I forget!...it was ambers birthday on Thursday..so

Ha prob thought I forgot huh?...kinda late but its the thought that counts!...lol

Sunday, August 16, 2009

home alone... *sniff sniff*

Hello everyone! Hope everybodys doing okay...
Well I'm doing fantabulous..lol
been working and worn out but I thankful for a job and a paycheck :D
well the reason for this post is cuz....
My parents went camping with the whole church... so basically it was
like a church camp out...and i got to stay home with the cats.
I would have gone but I got my dates mixed up and thought it
was next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday..
I was super bummed when it was this week...
well, everyones coming back on sunday morning...
my parents and sammy have been gone since Friday afternoon...
Friday I worked 5-10 so it was cool, didnt have to spend half a day
by myself..lol
On friday night, Sonia, such a sweetheart she is. Stayed the nite with me
so i wouldnt have to be all by myself....Thank you sonia!
So todays saturday and I worked 5-10 again...and i am being brave
and sleeping all by myself...well the cats are here and they are
great company..lol well simba is...
lover is in a corner bathing herself, simba is on the foot of the
bed looking @ me....Ginger? well idk where she is..Prob hiding...lol
nothing new here...just kinda blogging cuz my dads not here and he isnt
hogging the computer! :D lol
I have to get up @ like 830 am...
Sonia and I have a baby-sitting job! lol jk

we are picking up Dolli from her house cuz she needs someone to stay with
i think her dads working...and her momma isnt coming home till sun morning...
everyones coming home sunday morning..
tomorrow should be fun...lol
well gotta get up bright and early...
until next posting!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

retail = drama!

Hello everyone! Hope everythings good! :D

So I just wanted 2 post something that happened @ work 2day....

I worked from 4 -close 2day..and I got there and everything was sailing smooth, I was a back-up cashier and there was barely a mess in the departments.
My Co-worker and I had to work on bringing new frieght to the floor. So we did and we were looking for other stuff..you know the usual...
UNTIL! This lady and her daughter came to try on clothes. The lady was pregnant and was trying on maternity clothes. I was watching the fitting room and making price tags for clothes. They went in to try on the clothes....
the daughter came out and said " my mom wants to know if u can get THIS in a bigger size?"
I SIMPLY say "that's a different department so I don't know if there is a bigger size"
So she goes and tells her mom.." Mom! She said no!"
When I heard that I got kinda mad but then kinda shrugged it off cuz she was just a kid.
So the mom yells " yah she can! She's just lazy!!!"
Oh no she didn't!!!! So the daughter comes out and says " why?"
And I explained it again and offered to call the department to see if they can come and get her a bigger size...
The daughter went and told her mom I said no again! Out of all the nerve!
So the little girl trots down my way again! And says, " my mom wants to talk 2 a manager." OMW! This is ridiculous! And of course if you work @ burlington...no matter if the customer treats you like dirt you always have to put a SMILE on! Yay?
So I smiled and said..."one moment."
So I couldn't get a manager so I went looking for one. The lady comes out and she looks for me...she yells across the store, " what's your name?!?!?"
So I completely ignored her cuz I had enough!
She gets even more mad and like runs towards me...I of course have the stupid smile on my face and say..." how can I help you?"
She got my name and went straight to David! Out of everyone she had 2 go david(store manager)
Well thank God he was in the best of moods! And I told him what was going on and he didn't make a big deal out of it...phew! But moral of the story...

Give whatever prego's want...saves you the drama!


Thursday, July 30, 2009

California Trip! :D

Okay so I havent posted in like ages! lol
so I recently came back from my trip to Cali!

the best trip ever!!! We went for my grandmas birthday! She turned 82 and shes still strong! yay grandma! so we got there July 22nd and we left July 28....

Where can I start???

so Wednesday we arrived @ my aunts house(ambers mom) and we hung out a little with Amber and Beca! we took showers and changed... we had a loong trip!

so eventually we met my sister Alexis! Alexis, if you are reading this I love You soooooooo much! you r the best sister I can ever have! Afterwards the kids went to the Irvine spectrum with my sisters car....we went to red robin then shopped. we had to drop off beca and amber so they can go to church group. Then me , sammy, and Alexis went to go spend quality time with each other. We came back home and kinda just hung out.

Thursday we hung out and waited 4 Alexis...

OMW! rebeca and alexis wanted to do something crazy that will get your adrenaline pumping...so we went to Black Star. which is I guess a huanted place...we went in the day time, there was no way I would ever go @ night! so we had to walk in like a trail I guess...we kept walking and walking and walking and walking and walking! but we ended up going back cuz Amber had w go to the bathroom..lol

come to find out we went the wrong way! lol

Friday we had a surprise party for Alexis.

she met all the family that night. well half of the family..lol

The party turned out soo awesome! Since we didnt get our adrenaline pumped with Black Star we watched a Scary movie! OMW! it was soo scary ! i had 2 get out! and My uncle has a HUGE projector I felt like I had a HUGE screen...I felt small...for once! haha jk! so that made it even scarier! lol

we were in the game room most of the time...and it was just so awesome!

I really didnt want the night to end! my dad was so happy having both of his daughters and of course sammy all in one room! lol


My aunts church had a Block Party...their church is humongous! lol

so it was kinda like a carnival and had food and lots of games. they had rock climbing and everything! Me, amber, beca, sammy and these 2 other guys Rudy, and Brian were in charge of the ring toss! not so popular! lol so we ended up playing the game...lol it was fun....when we got home the girls decided to go get a mani and a pedi...afterwards we met up with Alexis to go eat @ red robin...

had a great time with us 5...



of course we went to church...
they had an evangelist preach...it was a good message

afterwards we all went to Olive Garden to celebrate!

we all hung out and had a great time ...


We all kinda hung out and played volleyball. I hung out with my sister and loved every bit of it! The day ended, sadly!....

Monday was our last day there... :( I was ssoooo sad!
We met my sister @ Dennys 2 eat breakfast...amber and beca went 2!....afterwards we went to the Disney walk...and alexis had 2 go 2 school but I begged her not to go...kinda selfish of me! Haha
She ended up not going! Not cuz of me! Cuz thalf of the class wasn't going so she was convinced she didn't have to go...lol go figure!
We went to the mall and shopped...afterwards we went to visit my grandma and tell her good bye...*sniff sniff*
My parents dropped us kids off @ the house and we hung out until dinner...my aunt and uncle took us out...
We went to this pizza place called first class pizza....its like a more sophisticated pizza plus..lol
We took long bike ride and i really didn't want this whole trip to end!

Now I'm home and working!
Bored cuz my brother is in Sacramento and it stinks being the only child..lol
He's there for one more week...
Nothing new here....

Friday, June 19, 2009


Hey hey!
Haven't posted in a very long time! Goodness!
Anywho I've been good! Actually I've been very good!
These past few days have been awesome.! Especially with revival! Bro. Bellew and his family are so sweet!
He's been preaching beautiful messages and on Thursday night we had an awesome move of God...and He spoke to us!
Life has been so wonderful!
I think if I would to die tomorrow I would be happy! I would die happy!
God has just been ridiculously wonderful! I'm sorry but there's just no words you can really explain it with!...:D...
I haven't been so much happier with my walk with God...of course you have your downfalls but!...don't make a monument of your failures! Make them a moment and learn from them and MOVE ON! That's one thing I learned...just move on! You can't do NOTHING from your past!..lol..absolutely nothing!

So back to revival!
Today is Friday and it was a wonderful day @ work!...I was so excited to go to church that my day went by fast!
Bro. Bellew preached an awesome message and afterwards my dad treated Bro. Bellew to dinner. We went to red robin and had a blast! The Bellew's are sooooo hilarious!!! They have two kids...heather 11 going on 12(that girl is so gorgeous and acts 15! So mature) and Bruce Wayne he's 8! He has such a character! We fellowshipped and went home!
That was probably all my day!
I am just so thankful!
God is bringing people in and filling people with His spirit!
Renae and I are working with a couple young girls! And I'm excited doing a work for Gods kingdom!...wish we could've done this when we had more young girls. Oh well...Gods still on the throne and always will be! :D
Its getting late and I am falling asleep!
Good night
Have a blessed weekend!
<3 liz

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hi there!
Its Tuesday night and can't fall asleep so I might as well blog...lol
Just wanted to write on Sunday night service..one word to describe it...POWERFUL
It was awesome...God moved so beautifully!
Renae and I have been practicing a song we heard @ Oncourse. They had a choir this year, something different, and we sang this song in the choir.
Anywho, these are the lyrics:
Verse 1:
I thought I had the best in life
I had friends and I had things
I thought I was doing okay on my own until I lost it all
I thought that I had real joy in possesions of this world
Until that day I met you and you showed me about
The power of your love
the power of your grace
The power of your nail scarred hands that changed eternal fate

The power of your blood
The power of your word
The power of your life in me that makes me free today

This song affects me so much...I really did think I had it all and thought I was doing okay on my own but until I met God...I really didn't have it all! I don't think I could ever not have Him in my life. I feel sorry for people who left Him. I can imagine how miserable they feel...just like the song says " I thought I had the best in life" but you really don't until you have God in your life!
Well pre-service prayer I told God that if it was His will. I wanted this song to encourage someone in their walk with Him..I wanted to impact someones life so drastically! Most of all I prayed for annoiting.
We were soooo nervous during worship service but I knew we would do fine...
We got up there and announcements were still getting done and offering before we sang. Roland played(thank God for roland!) and renae sang and we started to sing the song and a sweet presence of God filled His house! Almost everyone was crying and it felt so awesome! To see the smaller kids praying and crying was an encouragement for me! After our song , all we could do is cry and cry and cry! Everyone was dwelling in Gods presence...we marched around the church..men first, then women then the young people...we marched around for victory! Then Pastor preached an awesome message! And we had the best altar call! Words can't explain! Thank you God is all I can say...
And now im am super excited because we are having revival wed, thurs, fri, and sunday with bro. Baloo(spelling?) and I really can't wait!...
I think I have done my fair share of blogging! So I am off to bed!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hello everyone...
Okay I actually have something to post about! Lol
Well this memorial weekend we spent it in sac town! The best! Anywho, we got there sunday afternoon and left monday night. When we got there it was nothing but fun fun fun! And monday we went to the outlets and I of course had to go to the Coach outlet. And I guess now they have a procedure that they only allow 5 people at a time...but I got in line and it went by fast!.thank god it was so stinking hot! But I got myself a purse....it's beautiful that's all I have to say...I got half off and an additional 10%...awesome! After that we went to some other stores and I got some more stuff...my aunts were with me and my mom. Rebeca unfortunately had to work! Man she's growing up! She's so beautiful!...lol anywho it was all the girls and we all had a blast! We left the house almost to 3...and got home a little after 6. Upon arrival there was dinner and more laughter and just a good ol' time! Makes me want to move! Lol jk! I'll stay where I am! Well there you go sonia! Another blog you can read!

Monday, May 18, 2009

19!!! ALREADY?!?!?!?

Well happy birthday to me!...lol
Wow I can't believe it! I am 19 years old! I wouldn't think this day would come...I can remember when I had my 15th birthday! And now 4 years later im 19!...time passes soooo fast!
First off I'd like to thank God for another year(and this time God, I won't let you down!)
If it wasn't for him I don't know where I would be today.
I am thankful for the air that I breathe....today has just been weird...I go into work in a couple hrs....but it doesn't feel like a birthday 2 me...well maybe because I celebrated it yesterday!...lol
Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday!
And to Jordan who was the ONLY 1 to wish me a happy birthday! Out of the young men...lol jk!
Moving on to church last nite!
My goodness! That was an awesome move of the holy ghost!
Bro carlos and sis sandra got baptized! And Gods spirit was just fluttering around the church during worship service!
And not only did they get baptized...but Josh did too! My word he got baptized right then and there...at the last minute! That service changed a lot of people! It was just a service that you just had to be there!
Well I'm off to work and once again happy birthday to me!
Have a great week everyone!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Wow...it really has been a long time...lol...well for starters life is great! Nothing much beautiful then having God in your life.
Well, works good! All the hours im getting seems surreal...but I know Gods blessing me! Church is just awesome! A couple that has been coming to my church got a refreshing and God truly touched them both...you really just had to be there! Nothing new around here...but my birthday is coming up on the 18!!! Wow im getting pretty old! Haha no but really I am..going to turn 19! Wow I remember when I was 15 and even 12! Life goes by so fast!
Well there's a little update I would update more but I have to get ready for work! 1:30 - 10 today! Yay! And we are doing inventory! Ugh! But oh well! Lol have a good week everyone...and remember Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world!
God bless,

Thursday, April 9, 2009

mercy said "NO!"

Well its been awhile since I posted so just a little update.
And be prepared this is going to be a little long...
Life hasn't been any better especially that God has been by my side!....work is great and the hours that they are giving me are such a blessing! They vary from 30,32,33,36! God has been great! We did a pledge @ church and I really took a step of faith with my pledge but God is providing and all I want is for God to know that I TRUST in Him!.....
Surely we all go thru bumps and sharp turns in life but don't we all? We have all had our hearts torn into a million pieces and truly have been a total mess...but I have a God that will pick me up and fix me all up!... my Pastor has been preaching on "drawing nearer to God" and its truly been a blessing and uplifting. This wednesday he preached on what we really come to church for...that really got me thinking. Now keep in mind that we have been having an awesome move of God these past few church services. And all I want is for the visitors to open our church door and for them to feel Gods presence so strongly! So I got to thinking, I want to come to church with expectancy...I am expecting God to move...but I have to put my part in...by praying! This may sound kind of silly, but I have been talking to God as if he was my friend! Well he is a friend that sticks closer than a brother! He's just a prayer away and that's how I've been thinking!...
If we're not careful the cares of this world can get to us! And we forget on God...we get so caught up we loose track of time and what really is important! You know, I really do have to confess Oncourse left a HUGE dent on my life! I can remember OC as if it was yesterday!...kind of wish I had a rewind button to go back in time! Lol... you really had to been there! One of the best year then the past ones! I want to thank God for having mercy on me! For all those nights I would go to sleep saying a sinners prayer begging God not to come tonight...to give me one more day! But I had to get myself from my own bootstraps! And God is an ONTIME God...he always is! I would choose no ther life, well there really isn't any other way!...I can't understand why someone would leave this truth! It is said that backsliders are never a good sinner because we know the truth...and conviction tugs on our heart! Why! Why! Why! Would you leave God...there's nothing more beautiful! Why would you want to go to sleep and wonder if God was to come tomorrow? And knowing you wouldn't make it?!?! Just doesn't make sense! That's why I am gllllaaaaddd! Mercy said no to me!!!! I really can do is pray for the ones who strayed away. Maybe, hopefully they will realize that they can't go on. But I have to worry for my own salvation. I want to win souls and be a witness when someone recieves Gods spirit! Nothing more beautiful.

Well enough blabbing for today! Have an early start tomorrow! Have a great week everyone! And remember, He's just a prayer away!
~ liz

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

a very long time!....

Wow! This must be the very longest time I haven't written on here! LoL... anywho an update in my life....
My senior youth went to a church conference ...oncourse...and it was ooo AWESOME! It truly left a HUGE impact on my spiritual life! Its like the preachers were preaching to me...lol...thank God... I want to let you all know that I APPRECIATE my Pastor! Pastor, if you are reading this thank you for caring for me and for all the" spiritual spankings" so to speak[lol] and there were so many great messages I had 2 absorb them 1 by 1.. Good thing my brother took notes so I can go back anytime to go over them! So if we forward to right now...life is awesome! One thing that really stuck to me from oncourse was to never stray away from the pulpit! also, TEARS GET GODS ATTENTION- Pastor Noe Trevino(and no he doesn't have a brother namesd yese!lol) not only that but all the messages that my Pastor has preached are all so great! Last Sunday morning he preached..." Get up and get out!" that message really helped me...he preached on how we have to get out of our RUT! And I agree for myself! I have to get out of my rut...be spontaneous! In words of Bro. Marchbanks from oncourse! Spontaneous worship...I am so glad I have something more beautiful that the world can't offer me! I want to be hot for God rather then being lukewarm or cold! You know something? It takes a REAL women and men to live for God...I want to have the guts to live for God...well enough for now...have to go to sleep...have a great week everyone! I am a women hear me pray!!!!
~liz <3

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Hello there...
Nothing new here...
Just had a complaint about not posting...
So here's my posting...nothing...
Nothing much been going on here in boring reno!lol
Ummm so yah have a good weekend!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

this is for you Tara!<3lol

Well haven't posted in awhile! Been busy! Working and stuff...so lifes good...today was my day off and I had a dentist appt...well for not going to the dentist in a very long time I only have a cavity! Yay me!lol well I either have 2 have a root canal done or take the tooth out! The cavity is almost close to my tooth nerve so I just think I'm taking it out! Well one of my wisdom tooth is coming out on its side instead of going upwards! Ouch yes I know! Doc said I have a very small jaw that I don't have room for my extra teeth....I have to have my wisdom teeth removed and get braces....so I basically have to have my whole mouth reconstructed!lol...that was my day! My gums are still in pain from all the cleaning and touching it went thru! But they polished my teeth and did a cleaning...so now my new thing is flossing! Did you know that flossing can decrease a cavity! Go figure!lol...and they alos told me that I need 2 excercise my gums! EXCUSE ME!? Excercise my gums?! How do you do that? Well my first thought was oh, chew gum or something?! Well all it is you get your toothbrush and wet it a little bit and you brush your teeth and around your gums but without toothpaste! I learned a few things today...I feel accomplished for today!lol... well its time to hit the sack! Not really but after I brush my teeth and floss! Gnite every1! Tara hope this was good! Comment on any post you would like!lol luv ya tara!
<3 liz

Monday, February 23, 2009


K so nothing new just here at my home... just got home from Renaes birthday party...it was fun. We played a miniature game of catastrophe...it was awesome! I slipped n fell on my knees! Yah really embarrassing! But it was the floors fault! L0L... we had scrumptious cake that was okay except the frosting not a big fan of frosting! My poor pastor and his family! They came home from a trip they were on cuz my pastor was preaching...and arrived here and came straight to church! No games were played cuz of the short time that there was...but it was nice! Renae turned 13! My sissy is growing up! Wwaaahhhh! I can't believe it! Welcome nae nae to senior youth! Guys lets jump her! Hahaha jk! Well off 2 sleep! Ttyl! Bye!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

tell me how am I suppose 2 breathe with no air?

Well,well,well....nothing new just got home about an hour ago...worked from 10 to 3..not much but some hrs...they cut my hours but its only 7...I usually get 30 but I get 23 this week! Its okay! Gods still on the throne!:D Today was very busy! I opened and there was people already at our door...they all looked at me weird when I opened the doors...n I kinda grinned and told them I was vip! Lol...some giggled and some just smiled! Anywho...kinda weird having a saturday afternoon off...I am usually closing or preparing for sunday school...but I am not teaching cuz I have the quarter off ..so its weird and cool!lol...I guess I can say I have some time to CHILLAX!...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

nothings greater than the rush that comes from ur embrace!

Don't feel like posting! But whatev! So...umm....yah...sorry I had a blank moment! Lol...
Anywho I forgot wat 2 write about...I like to put random titles on my post so don't trip!lol
Kinda stayin up cuz I don't work till 4...so yah....
Inst it wried taht we can sitll raed tihs! Aamizng!
Yah so......lifes good....
Don't want friday to come! 4 a reason! And there's 1 more hr till midnight! U know there's actually more than 24 hours! Yah just thought I would let u all know! Wow I really don't know wat 2 write still! Bare with me I am still thinking!.....still thinking!....
Well all I can say is I AM GONNA MISS U! U know who u r! Please don't go! I know I can't stop u but just letting u know that I lub u n I care 4 u! ...k that's all....bye! <3

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

bum bum bi da dum dum de dum dum!

Wow! Haven't posted in a while!lol...well first off...I'm good how about u?.....o! Great that's good!lol..newho just here in bed awake when I should be sleeping!!! But NNNOOOO I'm awake...lol...k so everything is good...valentines day passed...UGH! I despise v-day! With a passion! Like u don't even kno!lol...that holiday or whatevr u wanna call it makes me gag!...u should have been at my work! OMW! All the couples made me sick!...newho....lol...
SARAH! Thank u 4 trying to fix this stupid thing...but idk what's wrong with it...I have a day off tomorrow pretty sweet! Wednesday all to myself! Ch-yes!...I am still sick! So I might not go 2 church or in any case do anything but clean my room and relax!....my dad has this eye infection where his eye swells up n looks all nasty and stuff....eeww....but the doctor gave him drops and he's doing all better now....my poor daddy! Works good! The logistics mngr said he should train me to ring up customers which I'm pretty siked about that! Ooo! I invited my friend ricardo 2 church and he said he'll go when he has a sunday off! He said he thinks he needs it...n I said we all do..lol...well I think I am done...ttyl!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

oncourse in like 4 weeks!?!?!?

Alright well as some of you know the senior youth goes to a yearly conference besides WCC...oncourse! Its a youth conference for all the young people like me! Hahaha..... anywho I was looking at my calender and notice it was only like a couple weeks left till it! Time passes by so fast! Anywho I need to start my preparations...I already have 2 outfits picked out, I need about 3 or 4 more just in case I change my mind and thats only for church! I only have 1 outfit for our youth nite every nite! This is ridiculous! lol I am such a girl...heheh so I am soooo excited that I am going. I wasnt going to go..but things and hearts change!
I cant wait to hear the preachings that are good for me...and I know that your not suppose to go to look for a guy but hey someone may want this short butterball! (lol) ... [ahh I crack myself up]
anywho, sonia got me into brushing my teeth with baking soda after you brushed your teeth. It makes it a lil whiter...and yeah its been working but not drastically...its funny how I act when I get ready for conferences... I think my mom, sammy, and sarah can testify to that ! lol last oncourse I asked sarah and my mom about my outfits like 3 times...i kept asking them are sure this matches? are sure? sarah are you sure? she'd say yes and then I"d ask my mom if she was telling the truth! lol then after I was done with them, i would go ask sammy and he would get so frustrated with me! and he would yell at me saying why do you have to be perfect and make sure that clothes match and that the sytles dont clash! UMMM HELLO SAMMY?! RULE NUMBER ONE! YOU HAVE TO MATCH!! and then i would leave...hehe...man cant wait till oncourse...All the sleepless nights and early mornings! Bad hair dos that you get frustrated and someone tells you its okay to calm down and you take it down and do it again and turns out better! all the girls in their rooms and all the guys in theirs...so much funnnnn....our youth leaders telling us ITS TIME FOR BED...their the best cuz they're like kids at these conferences..i mean they are not immature or anythingl ike that but they have fun with us too!
k gotta go clean! what I do best!lol ttys!

Friday, February 6, 2009

why would I do that when God has been nothing but good?

well there's ALOT to say but I will only tell you the details...
I have been going thru a very rough trial you can say and I have been letting the enemy presuade me. Well I was getting ready to leave God after I was done teaching sunday school....but deep inside I would tell God to do a miracle in my life and help me because I did not want to leave! This past Wednesday during prayer, a wondeful lady came to me and told me that she has seen that I am going thru a really hard time in my life...which is very true...she also said that she has been praying for me and that she loved me...inside I was happy because God had answered my prayer...my miracle.

I was so cold and bitter inside, I didnt want to do or have anything to do with God... She encouraged me to not leave God because it isnt worth it! and truly it isnt!!! why would I want to leave God when he has been nothing but good to me?! He has guided me and lead me...He has been there when I had no one...He was there no matter what! He is my fahter and my savior.... God wants nothing more than just for me to stay close by Him, and NEVER stray away....this reminds me of the prodigal son...how he left and thought he could make it..but his father was always waiting for him knowing that he will come back... the prodigal son knew he couldnt make it and went back to his father, knowing that his father will be there with open arms...

You know what? I am so thankful that God puts persons in your life that will make a difference..that will help you and encourage you... I have been acting really stupid and immature...lol...I need to get my act together and get closer to my Father...I made a promise to this wonderful lady...that I will live for God like never before for 6 months...to be dedicated and consecrated unto Him...cant wait! Living for Him has been nothing more than beautiful...He never gave me more than i can bare...this song reflects on what my heart earnestly desires...

God, I will worship you with all my heart....I will lift my hands to you in worship....I will search for you and I will find you...

How precious how lovely
Are your thoughts oh Lord toward me
How truly amazing
Is the grace that You have shown
Oh Majesty I live to see Your face

I will search for You
And I will find You
I will find You with all my heart
I will lift my hands to You in worship
And I will worship with all my heart

How gracious relentless
Is the Father's love toward us
Breathtaking the beauty
And the radiance of You
Oh Majesty I live to see Your face
And be transformed
Into your image

Monday, February 2, 2009


Sometimes, you just have to smile, pretend everythings okay, hold back the tears, and walk away...

The worst thing is holding on to someone who doesn't want to be held on....

Forget about the past and remember what it taught you....

Should I smile cuz your my friend or cry cuz that's all we will ever be?

Don't fall for someone unless they are willing to catch you.....


Saturday, January 31, 2009

woot woot!

Okay so whoever or whatever reads this.....
I worked today 10am-4pm. I like that scehdule so it was awesome. It started to get busy towards the middle and end of my shift. So I got off did some "errands"..lol and came home to eat dinner. Well I have to go to do sunday school in a bit with melinda she's awesome. I don't know why I don't hang out with her. Some people misunderstand her. Oh well their loss! Lol...but I'm just here hanging out waiting for melinda to get here...so I'm super tired from "working" last nite..right ricardo?! LoL...had a blast ...for some reason work is sooo much fun. I can actually say I enjoy my job! Haha... well my friends make it enjoyable! So my life is good I guess it has to be good cuz some one told me that my life shouldn't stink when I have clothes on my back and food in my belly...yah they are right... but right now I guess life could be worse..I could be crippled. Maybe I'd be a whole lot thankful.
Anywho CHANGING subjects! Cielo asked me a random question which was.." When it snows 3 feet of snow do you still wear a skirt?" lol I said yes cielo I still wear a skirt...I put on lipgloss for her and she about had a heart attack...she said I look good with lipgloss I just shrugged...don't like lipgloss too sticky!lol anywho she wanted me 2 try a pair of jeans and to be honest they were pretty cute..(ooo sinner I know!) I wanted her to shut up so bad about it, I told her I would IF I had time after work! Thankfully my parents came on time and she was called to be a cashier! Sweet! If she ask again I'll tell her I never agreed to such thing! Haha but one thing I know for sure is that big girls don't look good wit jeans and ESPECIALLY leggings! Lol
Right michael? Lol! Anywho I am way too lazy to clean right now there's a stupid window open! Someone really needs to shut it! It aint gonna be mean thats fo sho! Lol...well I think i' might be done talking a lot not really but whatever!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

life so far...

Hey everybody!
Well just a lil update on how things are going....
Everythings eh I guess .
I guess it could be worse!
But my family is going thru so much financial situation that my dad hasn't slept in 3 days straight! My poor daddy! I need to get an extra job so I can help him with some stuff..
But he won't let me cuz supposivley its going to "hurt my spiritual walk with God"
I doubt it! I hate to see my dad go thru stress so bad! He could have another stress attack or even a heart attack! If my dad was to go to the hospital I think I'd kill myself! I hated seeing my grandpa suffer when he was in his death bed and I sure as heck wouldn't like to see my dad suffer! But he won't I'm keeping him on check! Haha so anywho, just got home from church we went to go finish the youth board...only few participated on our monthly theme which was prayer is free.
Only a couple did a paper on it...the ones who actually do it are the ones who write it every time! Well, got home today and did nothing just relaxed! Work was fun did a lot of MARKDOWNS!!!!!! Which I love to do! Takes up time so yeah..lol..
I worked a little in Linens!
I like it cuz I get to see all the cute comforters and stuff for the house! I love it! But had to go back to my original department and did all those markdowns!
My friend cielo got a job at the nugget! So happy for her! She told me I should go check it out to see if I can work there too! I would rather prefer the nugget cuz its close to my house unlike BCF! Which across town...and itd be really cool working with her! She's so awesome! She's funny too! Me and her click! We need to hang out! But she has 3 kids and she's only 19! Wow what a warrior! Hahaha..
So its kinda hard to work around that! I'm kinda excited also cuz I'm going to ask my dad if he will let me go to sacramento to visit rebeca after I'm done with sunday school... I need to get away from here!lol...
Only for a few days but I really don't know...cuz I think I'd have to choose between oncourse or rebeca! But its not a for sure idea...hopefully I get to go if not oh well!

Wow I'm really writing a book here! Haha...I think I'm almost done blabbing...
Yah I think I'm done ...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Back to work!!!:D

Okay I'm super siked cuz today I went to work! I got rehired back from Burlington Coat Factory! They had laid me off cuz I was only a seasonal and hired me back! I'm so excited! I get to see all my friends again and make newer ones...all the seasonals aren't all there so oh well life goes on....I can't wait till work tonorrow but it will wear off in a week or two! Hahaha...so today I only worked a couple hours...I work in sportswear and luxury linens I alternate every few days. I'm extra excited cuz all my friends that I'm super closed with are still there...thank God...Cielo, Ricardo, and Janay, and renee, and michael(he's gay) and dot, and evelyn(sonias mom) oh and plus store manager,david, was super excited I was back..lol...others I'm too lazy to mention...lol...oh! But I must mention Verita! She's sooooo awesome! But today was a good day! Can't complain saw all my friends and I'm happy! Especially since I missed them all like crazy!! Especially cielo n ricardo they're my homies! Lol :D...okay well have to get up early and go to work :D...
~liz <3

Friday, January 23, 2009

hola! :D

Haven't been on here for a while...reason being, I've been at my Pastors house! :D I can live there! But oh well...went to go take care of the "Neumann Troop" on Tuesday all day and Wednesday till church...it was such a blast! I have no one now so being with Pastors girls made me feel wanted lol! Anywho they couldn't get enough of me after church Wednesday so I spent the night, spent all Thursday and still couldn't get enough of me so I stayed another night! It was worth every bit of it!!!

Well todays Friday and we went bright and early to their property or as Lexi says it "popparty" so cute!:D we worked like crazy till 8 pm...started like at 10 am...we got so much done! AWESOME!! I would do anything for my Pastor and his family! I'm super sore and exhausted! Well im going to bed!

Toodles! ~liz

Monday, January 19, 2009

a lil update!

Hey everyone! I know I haven't posted in a while so here I go!

Well first off I am alive and breathing which is the good part! :D...I am still looking for a job but with this economy who knows when I will find one! Anywho I am currently at home just hanging out been cleaning a lot! Keeps things outta my mind that I really don't want to think about...just makes me sad. There's been a lot of emotions going on in my heart<3...

I've been thinking a lot of my youth group and the recent young girls that backslid and just feel sad...I don't eat as much(kinda glad for that lol jk) don't sleep as much...and I feel like I'm about to explode!! All these things going on, I feel like I can't take it ANYMORE!! I soo want to be at California with my cousins and family! I am seriously thinking about moving over there.... I don't think anything can change my mind at this point! But then there's my dad...so any of you that know my dad, you know how he is! Lol I don't think he'll let me...but anywho that's what's going on. I feel so tired and don't know why when I sleep till God knows when! Lol...but whatever I guess life goes on, I hope! Well if I think of anything else to write I will!
~ liz

Monday, January 12, 2009

Stage Fright!!!!!

Hey guys! Just wanted to write about an experience I had....
There was this song I had been practicing for a couple weeks and I finally
had a chance to sing it!! I was pretty nervous when I sang it!!lol
Thanks to Roland [he is sooo gifted! God has truly gave him a special talent for
the piano and many other instruments!!] so anywho the song is called "I don't want
to go somewhere" by avalon but I originally heard it from a youth camp cd.
So I asked my Pastor about me singing it and he said he would love it if I sang.
I told Roland the good news! So came Sunday and I was super nervous throughout
the day! I put a note saying I was singing....my cue to go on the platform was when
they were picking up the offering. I quickly made my way onto the platform...
I always sing on the praise team and I never get nervous but for some odd reason
I was super nervous!! you know how they say if you are in front of a big crowd
to imagine everyone in their underwear? well that trick didnt work on me lol so I
tried concentrating on the clock that we have in the back but that didnt work...
so as soon as the music began to play I closed my eyes.. and I sang the song....I
tuned everything out except the piano and drums..after service that night I had compliments
that I think I didnt deserve...I didnt feel worthy of them you can say...I said A LOT of "thank yous" that night...lol...I really dont like singing solos a lot...I dont like being put on the spot... but I came to realize that, that talent God gave me, He gave it to me for a reason. For it to be used for Him...
I didnt sing the song for anyone but for Him! He trusts me and has faith in me that I will
use it... I wont sing a song for another 5 months! lol thank you everyone for
those beautiful compliments! God Bless everyone! ~liz <3>

Sunday, January 11, 2009

my chaotic morning!!

Hello everyone...well whoever reads my blog..lol. Well here I am at church doing my sunday school. I just got done making sure I have everything ready. Helping out my team teacher. By the way, I have the best team teacher, Pastors wife! Sister Neumann is so AWESOME to teach with! Not only is she the best Pastors wife but she has such a big heart!<3 I never knew someone can be so kind. She cares for everyone and truly shows it. She's such a prayer warrior, someone I look up to! Well I am waiting for her to get here. I got up at 6[I was worried I wouldn't have enough time to get sunday school done]so I'm rushing well not really but making sure I'm at the church at least at 7:30. I get here at 7:20 go up to my sunday school room. Do whatever needs to be done, and get done. I look at the time and its 8:00! What am I gonna do till 9:25!? Which is when prayer starts. So I go to the boys sunday school room, and just look out of their window. I never knew how pretty it was at 8:00 am...it was soo pretty! The sun was coming up behind the mountains where it was hiding all night!...and I began thinking on how awesome God is. How he made everything sooo perfect! I started thanking Him for everything! Then it turned out to a mini prayer meeting...so I looked at the time it was 8:20...5 minutes later sis.neumann came! Just wanted to share my chaotic morning! Lol
God bless,
Liz <3

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Hey! I haven't written anything 4 ages so here I go!...I got to thinking about a certain guy I like. And I wondered why every time he comes to my mind it seems like I can never get him off my mind! Its rather irritating! Lol I hate feeling this emotion because it drives you crazy...there's a saying that goes"you do crazy things when ur in love" and God willing I won't go crazy....my feelings towards this certain individual have been going on for a while and I only pray that one day he see's what kind of gem I am (right sonia?!lol) its funny how he makes me get the bubble guts!(aka, butterflies) how can guys have the ability to make girls have butterflies?! I never did get that!lol people keep telling me "one day your prince charming will come" and I feel like telling them when?! Then I hear others say."patience is a virtue" yah! A virtue I don't have!!! But when it comes down to the nitty gritty...I will be patient...I want nothing more then Gods will in my life! I want him to be for me ...and me be for him...maybe this individual that I like isn't for me...oh well life goes on....I just want someone to love me for who I am not for what I am....
[Sorry it was boring]

Friday, January 2, 2009


Okay everyone I am so excited cause I'm at my aunts house in Sacramento! We came to visit today and we unfortuantely leave tomorrow morning...I so wish I could move over here but we won't go into those details today...we left Reno at exactly 1pm...but there's was traffic at the inspection line! And to top it all off the traffic lasted for a very long time till we got to auburn and a lil after that....we finally arrived at 615ish pm, when we should've arrived at 3pm...we ate and now I am watching my cousins and my cousin rubens girlfriend,shanel very sweet girl, play "Rockband 2"! So much fun watching them play!lol...although when I play its not so much fun cuz I kinda stink at it except the bass!! And of course singing...but other than that I refuse to play the drums and guitar! Lol...I'm dreading the ride home tomorrow I don't even want to think about going home tomorrow! I dislike reno especially cuz I don't have any family or cousins close to my age...if it wasn't for my church and pastor I would be over here..I guess me moving over here would be my will and not Gods but I am still praying!lol okay well they are complaining on me being on my phone...I wil write more later about my trip! God bless everyone!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009! already?!

Hey guys its me liz! I just signed up for this thing and I really don't know how to use it very good.lol.so for now I will let you know I'm very siked for this "New Year" I really can't believe its already 2009! 2008 passed by sooo fast! But I had a great year, despite the immature people I unfortunately have in my life! But most of all I thank God for the past year...I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him...I greatly appreciate my pastor and his gorgeous wife...also my youth leaders bro. Travis and beautiful naya...well its getting pretty late n I need to get an early start tomorrow! God bless and sincerly have a great 2009!

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