About Me

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I work at a bank!Definitely loving that! I love to hangout with my friends! (Love u girls! U know who u are!) I have an amazing boyfriend. Been together since 2/18/10. I love him. =)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

a very long time!....

Wow! This must be the very longest time I haven't written on here! LoL... anywho an update in my life....
My senior youth went to a church conference ...oncourse...and it was ooo AWESOME! It truly left a HUGE impact on my spiritual life! Its like the preachers were preaching to me...lol...thank God... I want to let you all know that I APPRECIATE my Pastor! Pastor, if you are reading this thank you for caring for me and for all the" spiritual spankings" so to speak[lol] and there were so many great messages I had 2 absorb them 1 by 1.. Good thing my brother took notes so I can go back anytime to go over them! So if we forward to right now...life is awesome! One thing that really stuck to me from oncourse was to never stray away from the pulpit! also, TEARS GET GODS ATTENTION- Pastor Noe Trevino(and no he doesn't have a brother namesd yese!lol) not only that but all the messages that my Pastor has preached are all so great! Last Sunday morning he preached..." Get up and get out!" that message really helped me...he preached on how we have to get out of our RUT! And I agree for myself! I have to get out of my rut...be spontaneous! In words of Bro. Marchbanks from oncourse! Spontaneous worship...I am so glad I have something more beautiful that the world can't offer me! I want to be hot for God rather then being lukewarm or cold! You know something? It takes a REAL women and men to live for God...I want to have the guts to live for God...well enough for now...have to go to sleep...have a great week everyone! I am a women hear me pray!!!!
~liz <3

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Hello there...
Nothing new here...
Just had a complaint about not posting...
So here's my posting...nothing...
Nothing much been going on here in boring reno!lol
Ummm so yah have a good weekend!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

this is for you Tara!<3lol

Well haven't posted in awhile! Been busy! Working and stuff...so lifes good...today was my day off and I had a dentist appt...well for not going to the dentist in a very long time I only have a cavity! Yay me!lol well I either have 2 have a root canal done or take the tooth out! The cavity is almost close to my tooth nerve so I just think I'm taking it out! Well one of my wisdom tooth is coming out on its side instead of going upwards! Ouch yes I know! Doc said I have a very small jaw that I don't have room for my extra teeth....I have to have my wisdom teeth removed and get braces....so I basically have to have my whole mouth reconstructed!lol...that was my day! My gums are still in pain from all the cleaning and touching it went thru! But they polished my teeth and did a cleaning...so now my new thing is flossing! Did you know that flossing can decrease a cavity! Go figure!lol...and they alos told me that I need 2 excercise my gums! EXCUSE ME!? Excercise my gums?! How do you do that? Well my first thought was oh, chew gum or something?! Well all it is you get your toothbrush and wet it a little bit and you brush your teeth and around your gums but without toothpaste! I learned a few things today...I feel accomplished for today!lol... well its time to hit the sack! Not really but after I brush my teeth and floss! Gnite every1! Tara hope this was good! Comment on any post you would like!lol luv ya tara!
<3 liz

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